Roasted Mushrooms with Moroccan Spices

Moroccan MushroomsWhen I was a kid, I wasn’t a fan of mushrooms and just the thought of them disgusted me! If my mom added mushrooms to a dish I remember picking each piece out pushing it to the side of my plate. But now that I’m older, I absolutely love mushrooms and cook with them all the time. I usually add some to omelettes, stews or pasta dishes but roasting a big amount in the oven is a favorite of mine. Roasting vegetables is an easy and flavorful shortcut to finishing off any meal. This delicious roasted mushroom dish is seasoned with Moroccan spices with a hint of cinnamon.
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Lengua de Gato – Filipino Butter Cookies made with Whole Wheat Flour

Lengua De Gato finishedIt’s been a few weeks since we came back from our trip to the Philippines. One question people have been asking is “What do you miss?” and the two things I tell them is my family and well, the food! Especially the delicious Filipino desserts. Many Filipino sweets have Asian or Spanish influences. The Spanish-inspired Lengua de Gato, thin butter cookies, are perfect for pairing with coffee, tea or ice cream and are typically eaten during ‘merienda’ (an afternoon snack). My version is a bit healthier than the traditional recipe since I use whole wheat flour.
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Garlic Peanuts (Pritong Mani) and Pictures from our Trip to the Philippines

Garlic Peanuts“It’s more fun in the Philippines!”. That’s the official tagline for the Philippines and I must say, it really IS true! Our trip was filled with amazing food, great company, sunshine, laughter, and yes, fun…I miss it already. Like in most countries, food plays an integral part of the culture, and the Philippines is no exception. Filipino cuisine has its differences from region to region with a strong emphasis on seafood, pork and local tropical fruits and vegetables like coconuts, mangoes and leafy greens. The cuisine is always evolving from its own origins along with influences in Asian, Spanish and American dishes.
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Philippines 2013

philippinesHello friends! Just a quick update, I’m off for vacation to the Philippines to visit family, travel and do some recipe ‘testing’. I’ll be gone for a few weeks, so you’ll see new posts up in March. Hopefully I can share my experience along with a few recipes from my trip with you all. See you soon!

Jamaican Jerk Chicken with Coconut Rice and Beans

Caribbean Jerk Chicken
If you love the bold flavors of Caribbean food, then this recipe is for you! The first time I had jerk chicken I was hooked and wiped my plate clean. Jerk chicken seasoning is based on chili peppers and Jamaican allspice, which is one of the most important spices used in the Caribbean. The preparation is easy with just a few simple steps and some marinating.
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Easy Coconut Soup with Shrimp

Coconut Soup ShrimpIf you’re feeling a bit under the weather like so many people this time of year, a comforting hot soup always helps. I usually make a simple chicken noodle soup, but wanted to try something new. I ended up with a creamy coconut soup, similar to the Thai classic Tom Ka Gai. So if you’ve always wanted to taste this iconic Thai dish, try out this quick alternative!
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Parsley Green Smoothie with Apple, Orange and Banana

Parsley Apple Orange SmoothieI hope everyone had a great holiday and a wonderful New Year’s. So have you made your 2013 resolutions? For everyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle, I suggest to start drinking green smoothies because the benefits are endless (see my intro post here)! A glass full will give you a boost of energy and is packed with fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, the perfect morning routine to get you going through the day.
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