Parsley Green Smoothie with Apple, Orange and Banana

Parsley Apple Orange SmoothieI hope everyone had a great holiday and a wonderful New Year’s. So have you made your 2013 resolutions? For everyone who wants to live a healthier lifestyle, I suggest to start drinking green smoothies because the benefits are endless (see my intro post here)! A glass full will give you a boost of energy and is packed with fiber, antioxidants and vitamins, the perfect morning routine to get you going through the day.
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Lacinato Kale Green Smoothie with Mango and Orange

[This post is part of my Green Smoothie series]

Kale, one of the healthiest greens out there is perfect to use in a smoothie. I typically use curly kale but this time I blended Lacinato or Tuscan kale, of the dinosaur kale variety. A little history lesson: Lacinato kale, enjoyed by the Romans, has been grown in Italy for centuries and is used in much of Italian cuisine. The taste is also a bit milder and sweeter than curly kale, perfect for a morning green smoothie!

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Orange and Banana Green Smoothie with Curly Parsley

[This post is part of my Green Smoothie series]

I rarely use curly parsley for cooking, I typically prefer flat-leaf. But when I went to the store today I thought why not try it in a green smoothie? The smoothie turned out quite refreshing and delicious. Parsley has a distinct flavor and is great when combined with sweet citrus fruits. You’ll definitely want to try this one out!

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