Mung Bean Fettuchini with Truffle Butter and Cheese

I eat everything, so I like to mix it up and try to cook with ingredients I’ve never used. This time I experimented with organic mung bean fettuchini in place of my usual whole wheat pasta. I grew up eating mung beans so I thought why not give it a try. It’s made of only mung beans and water which give the pasta a pretty olive hue. They’re high in fiber and gluten-free for people who suffer from Celiac Disease or wheat allergies. The taste and texture may not appeal to some people as it has an obvious bean flavor and a bit of a chewy bite.

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Bitter Melon Scrambled Eggs – A Healthy Way to Start the Day

Growing up, my parents grew bitter melon in our garden in Pennsylvania, so they used it in a lot of dishes. It took me awhile to get used to the flavor as it is very bitter (hence, the name). I wondered what our neighbors thought of us because we were always outside cultivating something, and bitter melon was one of the more exotic vegetables we grew. I knew bitter melon as, Ampalaya, which is the Filipino name. It’s also popular in India where it’s referred to as Karela.

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For your Special Someone: Mini Nutella Whipped Pudding Pies for Two

The past week has seen an outpour of grief over the heartbreaking post by popular food blogger, recipe writer, and food editor, Jennifer Perillo. I don’t know her personally, but I follow her blog and know we live in the same borough. On Sunday she tragically lost her husband and wrote a sad, yet beautiful post. Please read it if you have time, then you’ll know why bloggers and others around the world have made Peanut Butter Pies today. I didn’t follow her recipe exactly because I didn’t have all the ingredients on hand, so I created a quick whipped mini pudding pie version using Nutella instead of peanut butter.
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Easy Shrimp Salad with Peppery Greens, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds

I think every meal should be special, even lunch. So when I’m home relaxing by myself I try to stay away from the easy Ramen Noodles and cook something healthier and from scratch. After you make this you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment, even if it’s just a simple salad! I had a smaller version for myself but I made this recipe to serve a nice appetizer size for four.

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