Honey Roasted Spiced Nuts with Garam Masala

If you like honey roasted nuts, you should try my version of this snack. I combined several varieties of nuts and spiced it up with some homemade garam masala, a spice mix common in India and other Asian countries. Garam masala is a spice blend containing ground peppercorns, cardamom, nutmeg, and cinnamon, among other spices. You can find it in Indian grocery stores or large supermarkets in the spice aisle. Or you can make your own which you can keep for several weeks and use in many other dishes.

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Green Smoothie Recipe with Parsley and Mango

This is my first – of hopefully many more – green smoothie recipes. It’s great for beginners as it only involves a few ingredients…..mangoes, parsley, water and ice. Make sure your mangoes are very sweet and ripe, otherwise the taste will be bitter and sour. If your mangoes aren’t ripe enough, place them in a brown paper bag the night before you use them. For extra sweetness, add one or two dates into the mix.

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Green Smoothies – Your Daily Vitamins in One Delicious Drink

Green smoothies have had a tremendous impact on my life. I attribute my change in diet, love for vegetables, and overall well-being – at least in part – to my daily consumption of green smoothies. I lost weight and junk food cravings without even trying. And my improved blood tests were further proof of the power of green smoothies. I really have to give credit to Victoria Boutenko and her two books Green For Life and The Green Smoothie Revolution.  Her story has been such an inspiration and the books are a great source for smoothie recipes. I’m planning on regularly posting my favorite recipes and some of them are based on Victoria’s books.

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