Soft-Shell Crab Pasta – The Easiest Way to Enjoy the Whole Crab

I love Blue Crabs. Every summer when they’re in season, my family and I sit around a table full of crabs and just pick at them for hours (while seeing who can get the biggest piece of meat out). I’m a slow eater so I’m usually the last one at the table. I really don’t like wasting food and have OCD-like tendencies so I want to get everything! That said, it was like an epiphany the first time I ate soft-shell crabs. The crab flavor is so much more intense since you eat the whole crab, shells and everything.

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Brown Rice Sautéed with Shrimp, Cherry Tomatoes and Fresh Parsley

Last night I wasn’t really sure what to make for dinner, so as I scoured my kitchen this is what I came up with. I try to use brown rice for most of my rice dishes mainly because of it’s health properties. For this recipe I also think it tastes better due to the hearty, nutty flavor it adds to the dish. I de-seeded the tomatoes to keep this dish from becoming too mushy. An easy way to take the seeds out is to cut the tomato in half and use a small spoon and scoop out the insides (see photos below). A lot of fresh chopped parsley and a glass of rosé wine (or one of my favorites Radler) make it the perfect summer dish to eat Al Fresco!

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Healthy Homemade Popsicles with Fresh Strawberries and Yogurt

Everyone eats popsicles in the Summer. Or if you’re like me, I could eat them all year long! So what’s the problem with making them yourself? It’s just as easy buying them at a store, plus it’s healthier. All you need is fresh Strawberries, Agave syrup, Lemon Juice, and some Yogurt, along with a blender and popsicle molds.

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