Kale Green Smoothie with Mixed Berries and Bananas

[This post is part of my Green Smoothie series]

Kale is an excellent addition to green smoothies because it’s packed with vitamins and nutrients like beta carotene, vitamin C and fiber. The flavor of kale in green smoothies is strong, so I suggest using less kale in the beginning and then adding more when it’s palatable to your taste.

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How to Make Homemade Garlic Mayo with a Hand Blender

Garlic Mayonnaise – or aioli in France – is one of my favorite condiments. It’s traditionally used with seafood but I love it on French fries, baked veggies (watch out for my oven baked sweet potato recipe), bread, tartines and sandwiches. You can pretty much use it on anything, and the taste of homemade mayo is nothing like the over-processed supermarket stuff.

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Herb Pork Chops – Served on a bed of Mushrooms and Arugula

Today I really felt like making a meat dish. The weather is getting colder, perfect for some comforting pork chops! I used organic, pasture raised bone-in pork chops and left some of the fat around the edges (trim if desired) for more flavor. Serving this on a bed of mushrooms and arugula (or other greens like spinach, kale) make for a healthy side dish.

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How to Make your Own Garam Masala – An Indian Spice Blend

I love Indian spices, I use them a lot in my cooking from bean and lentil dishes to snacks like honey roasted nuts or Chai Tea in the winter (watch out for a recipe as it gets colder). Garam masala is a mixture of roasted ground spices commonly used in Indian cooking. There are many versions of garam masala using different spices like cloves, whole peppercorns and cinnamon. You can add it to sweet or savory dishes and it keeps for a long time.

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Pasta-Free Eggplant Lasagna with Mozzarella and Tomatoes

If you’re looking to cut down on the carbs or simply want to try a different way of making lasagna, this recipe is for you. I used a few large eggplant slices in place of pasta resulting in a healthier, lighter lasagna that’s still satisfying and flavorful. And since I’m using fresh tomato slices there’s no need to make a separate sauce!

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