Festive Romaine and Apple Green Smoothie with Cinnamon

[This post is part of my Green Smoothie series]

Ever heard of a green smoothie with cinnamon? No, neither have I! In order to keep up with the festive theme of the last few weeks, I’ve tried to come up with a “holiday green smoothie”. It turned out to be a refreshing mix of apples, banana, cinnamon and romaine lettuce. You hardly notice the romaine lettuce, the smoothie tastes more like applesauce, but an applesauce you can drink! It’s smooth and creamy with a hint of cinnamon, the perfect flavor during the holidays.

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Hazelnut Cookies Made with Whole Wheat Flour and Nutella

I love this Christmas cookie recipe and I’m very excited to share it with all of you! It was given to me by my German mother-in-law and is one of my all time favorites to snack on during the holidays. The first time I tried her hazelnut cookies I just couldn’t get enough. I made a few tweaks from her recipe as some items are not sold in the States but I was still able to keep it simple with only six ingredients.

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Quick Asian Noodle Recipe with Shrimp and Scallions

I love coming up with quick dishes on the whim with whatever ingredients I have in the kitchen. Asian noodle dishes always come to mind, whether they’re in soups or stir fries. I used rice vermicelli noodles which are light and versatile, you can mix virtually anything with them. They absorb flavors and enhance your ingredients beautifully. Try this out if you’re having a lazy day and want something quick and simple.

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Low Carb Chocolate Chip Walnut Brownies with Soy Flour

Here’s a delicious chocolate chip brownie recipe if you’re looking for a healthier chocolate dessert alternative. I used soy flour, which is made of finely ground soybeans. You can find it at your local grocery or health food store. I like to sift the soy flour before I mix the batter because it tends to get somewhat clumpy in texture.

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Spiced Duck Breast with Orange-Shallot Sauce

Here is the follow-up post to my spiced carrots which is loosely based on a recipe by Eric Ripert. Essentially it’s a twist on the French classic Duck a l’Orange, a wonderful combination of flavors that complement each other perfectly. My first taste of it was actually in Germany during one Christmas when my mother-in-law made it with a side of crispy croquettes, small ball shaped mashed potatoes which are lightly breaded and fried. I was hooked! Duck is very fatty, so I don’t make this dish often. But I’ll make an exception since it’s the holiday season.

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Spiced Carrots with Cumin and Fresh Ginger

This simple carrot dish is adapted from a recipe by Eric Ripert. He uses baby carrots with the greens attached. I think they’re beautiful and make for a pretty presentation, but use what’s accessible to you. My carrots were large so I halved and quartered them. For a nice kick, I grated in some fresh ginger which will balance out the sweetness of the carrots. This is one of my favorite vegetable appetizers because it’s so flavorful and goes well with many entrees.

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Masala Chai – Spiced Tea with Almond Milk and Fresh Ginger

Masala chai, or mixed spice tea, is a drink from India made by brewing black tea with milk and a mixture of spices like cinnamon, ginger, cardamom and cloves. It’s my go-to drink for this time of year and perfect for the holiday season. Instead of regular milk, I sometimes add almond milk whenever I make a fresh batch. The subtle flavor of the almonds is a nice complement to this aromatic tea.

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