Muesli Chocolate Chip Cookies

Muesli Chocolate Chip CookiesLast week I made a large batch of homemade muesli and was thinking of a way to use it all up instead of eating it for breakfast. Since there are oats and dried fruits in the mix I thought of baking some chewy cookies. I just mixed in a few chocolate chips but otherwise this is a pretty simple recipe.
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Spiced Nuts with Pimenton

Spiced Nuts with PimentonToday I was trying to do some Spring cleaning by going through my pantry and I came across a few un-opened bags of different nuts. My first thought was to make some garam masala spiced nuts, but wanted to try a different mix. A few weeks ago we went to a pizza party here in Brooklyn and the host made spiced nuts with pimenton (smoked Spanish paprika) and they were so tasty and highly addictive! I forgot to ask for the recipe so here is my version.
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Warm Potato Salad with Smoked Trout and Crispy Capers

Warm Potato Trout SaladThe other day I bought a pack of smoked trout, not really sure what I was going to make with it. I’ve never cooked with smoked trout before, only salmon. So I searched online for a basic recipe using what I had in my kitchen. What I found was a delicious warm potato salad I saw on
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Strawberry Cashew Green Smoothie with Romaine and Coconut Milk

Strawberry Cashew Green SmoothieThis green smoothie recipe is adapted from Victoria Boutenko’s book Green Smoothie Revolution. Combining romaine lettuce, strawberries, along with cashew nuts and coconut milk, this has to be my heartiest and creamiest smoothies yet! I typically make it in the morning if I don’t have time to prepare a proper breakfast because it’s so filling. But whatever time you enjoy it, you’ll be full for several hours.
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Saffron Pistachio Cookies with Olive Oil

Saffron Pistachio CookiesLast week fellow Brooklyn blogger and friend Diana stopped over to watch the Oscars with us. She brought over the most amazing brownies and some extra saffron she had lying around at home. Originally I wanted to use it to make Persian ice cream with pistachios and rose water but then I saw Mark Bittman’s Saffron Olive Oil Cookies.
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Coconut Shrimp Curry with Peas and Potatoes

Coconut Shrimp Curry with Peas and PotatoesWhenever I go to Indian or Thai restaurants, the first thing I do when I sit down is to look for curry dishes on the menu. I love all kinds of curries, spicy or mild, but I typically end up ordering a coconut based curry. You just can’t beat the bold, creamy flavor. For this recipe, I made a coconut shrimp curry mixed with potatoes and frozen peas.
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