Creamy Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes with Fresh Herbs

Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes 2cDid you ever have one of those moments when you’re cooking without a recipe and it just works? This is one of those recipes. Well it’s a simple one, a mashed potato recipe, but it’s a bit different than the classic mixture that everyone knows and loves. It’s made without milk and butter…gasp! So if you run out of those ingredients or want to try a healthy twist on a classic dish, give this recipe a shot. Even traditionalists will appreciate this handy tip!

The olive oil adds a nice earthy flavor to this potato recipe. I used a mix of red and yukon gold potatoes but any kind of variety will work. You can whip them in a blender or food processor. Pair this creamy side dish with crisp roast chicken or a salmon filet.

Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes ingredients

In a pot, boil potatoes for about 15 minutes.

In a pot of salted water, boil potatoes for about 15 minutes.

Finely mince your fresh herbs. When potatoes are cooked, place in a blender and whip until smooth, then stir in herbs.

Finely mince your fresh herbs. When potatoes are cooked, place in a blender and whip until smooth, then stir in herbs.

Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes

Olive Oil Mashed Potatoes

  • 2 pounds potatoes, quartered
  • 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons salt, plus more to taste
  • 1 tablespoon finely minced fresh herbs (parsley, basil or rosemary)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper, to taste
  • Add potatoes, cold water and salt into a pot. Boil until tender, about 15 minutes. Drain and place hot potatoes in a blender or food processor.

    Slowly pour oil in while the blades turn and whip until desired consistency. Place into a serving bowl and stir in fresh herbs and salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

    Total Time: 40 minutes
    Yield: makes 4-6 servings
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    1. Amyna says

      OMG I kid you not, I thought of this SAME exact recipe a few months ago! It’s my favorite, and it’s so creamy you can’t even guess it’s vegan. I messed up, overboiling my potatoes and mashed them instead and decided to use olive oil and herbs because I love the taste of olive. Didn’t realize it was so healthy and vegan till after, it just tasted so good!
      My style is a little different, more Mediterranean. I found red potatoes to be best. I add TONS of dill, some garlic salt, onion powder, fenugreek, Italian seasoning (but not too much), and parsley. I put in plenty of extra virgin, certified source olive oil afterward, enough so that there is a lovely olivey taste in there, too.
      I like your seasoning blend. Might try rosemary next time! Mmmm.

      • says

        Hi Amyna – Yes, I love this vegan mashed potato recipe! Your Mediterranean version sounds really delicious! Thanks so much, I will definitely have to try it some day 🙂

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