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Red Berry Celery Smoothie – The Perfect Gift to Your Loved One (And to Yourself)

Red Berry Celery SmoothieCelery smoothies are among my husband’s favorite green smoothies. So to celebrate Valentine’s Day, I decided to make him a “green smoothie” that goes well with this holiday! One of my earliest green smoothie posts was a blueberry celery smoothie that is similar and equally delicious. Share this smoothie with your special someone.

To get a nice Valentine’s Day color for this smoothie, I used mainly red-colored ingredients: A nice mix of strawberries, raspberries (both frozen) and a red delicious apple. Add some banana chunks to make the smoothie extra creamy. If you’re new to green smoothies, I would highly recommend a celery based smoothie. You can’t go wrong with those smoothies because the celery flavor typically comes out more subtle and isn’t as noticeable as leafy greens such as kale or chard.

Red Berry Celery Smoothie Recipe

  • 4-5 stalks celery, chopped
  • 1-2 bananas, chopped
  • 1 red delicious apple, chopped
  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 1 cup frozen raspberries
  • 1 cup water

    In a blender, preferably a powerful one like Blendtec or Vitamix, combine celery, bananas, frozen strawberries, frozen raspberries and water. Blend on the highest speed until smooth and creamy.

    Total time: 5 minutes

    Yield: 4 cups

  • Interested in more green smoothies? Check out my list of Green Smoothie Recipes